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Webinar for Financial Professionals: LTCi: Show or Tell?

How do you present strategies and solutions to clients in a compelling way that moves them to take action? Join the BuddyIns team as they present new sales tools that can build a stronger and more visual narrative around LTCi leverage. It’s a makeover for your LTCi sales process. Find out how the all-new Benefit Buddy transforms the LTCi discussion, and how you can use technology to personalize and transform your LTCi discussion with clients.

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Gretchen Barry

With over 20 years of marketing leadership experience, Gretchen has built an extensive marketing portfolio. As Chief Marketing Officer for BuddyIns, Gretchen works closely with the BuddyIns team and partners to identify ways to advance the company's brand, partnerships, and mission. With first-hand experience as a caregiver, Gretchen understands the inherent challenges and unlimited opportunities facing the company and the LTCi industry.